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Hamza Mufti

Nanotech Researcher.
Biomedical Engineer.

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My tl;dr

So What?

That's something I keep on asking myself.

When I was 10, I walked the streets in Pakistan and saw kids begging on the streets selling stickers for change and after asking everyone around me why - I never really got a satisfying answer.

Then I learned about the begging mafia.

And it blew my mind how much my perspective changed on how something like poverty could be tackled.

So I've kept that at my core whenever I see a problem, from figuring out why it took 6 years for doctors to decide that they couldn't save my grandmother from cancer to when I looked at why allergies were still causing millions of 💀

Right now, I'm still exploring tools to help me tackle these global problems, but so far computer science and nanotech have been some of my favorites.


My Work.

Some of the stuff I've been working on recently
from mitigating the spread of COVID to tackling cancer.

Tackling cancer with nanoparticles and ultrasound.

Utilizing ReactJS to increase the digital prescence of a local community

Deploying a decentralized public database for drug discoveries

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My Handle: @hamzaamufti
Email: hamza101muf
Meet: /hamzamufti
